# serverless

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AWS Step Functions Workflow - AWS SAM example

On this post we're going to build an AWS Step Functions state machine that simulates an ordering process made by de customer.

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AWS Lambda - CI/CD with AWS SAM, CodePipeline & CloudFormation

Complete example about how to implement a CI/CD workflow from an infrastructure as a code template

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DynamoDB Operations

This is a brief guide of examples about how to use the AWS SDK (in Node.js) to perform operations in DynamoDB

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Cloud Scalability

Learn why "Cloud Computing" changed the game by optimizing costs and improving performance and availability

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Serverless APIs Full Guide - Part 2 (TDD & DynamoDB)

Let's learn how to build an API with Test Driven Development (TDD) & DynamoDB as DB in Node.js

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Serverless APIs Full Guide - Part 1 (Hello World)

This is the first part of a series about how to build a serverless api in aws.
